Cross: A Symbol Against Injustice

"Cross: A Symbol Against Injustice"

The Cross of Christ has been into much interpretations and scrutiny for thousands of years. Cross, a tool for punishing those who voiced against Roman Empire, was seen as a symbol of Shame. But, the followers of Jesus Christ took this symbol of Shame and made it into a symbol of Victory and Dissent.

Liberation Theologian James H. Cone in his book "The Cross and The Lynching Tree" says "Unfortunately, during the course of 2,000 years of Christian History, this symbol of Salvation has been detached from any reference to the ongoing suffering and oppression of human brings... The Cross has been transformed into a harmless, non-offensive ornament that Christians wear around their necks. Rather than reminding us of the 'Cost of Discipleship', it has become a form of 'Cheap Grace,' an easy way to Salvation that doesn't force us to confront the power of Christ's Message and Mission."

Can Cross be seen and understood as a Symbol against Injustice? With all the injustices that are flooding in the society, church and families, how relevant is the message of Cross today?

First, "Cross Celebrates Diverseness". Diversity is the order of God's Creation. But today, one of the major injustice that is fueling around us is "Uniformity". Slogans for Uniformity such as: One Nation, One Creed, One Race, One Religion, One Color have been on the rise. But we don't do the same with this slogan: "One God and One Humanity" (A Famous Tamil Anecdote: xd;Nw Fyk; xUtNd Njtd;). In such a context, Cross stands as a symbol that Celebrates Diverseness, which in turn symbolizes the attitude of God in Christ. Cross accepts diversities and people associated with it.

Second, "Cross Restores Relationships". Relationship breakdowns have been on the rise lately. There are lot of reasons for relationship breakdowns such as Money, Attitude, Fame etc. But Mending of Relationships hasn't been successful in today's world.  In today's society, church and family, when relationships are broken, people don't seem to work on mending or restoring those relationships, but move on to seek and find new relationships. But, Cross is a symbol that restores broken relationships. Cross helps us to identify the problem and pushes us to mend broken relationships. Christ on the cross restored broken humanity with God and Creation.

Third, "Cross Obliterates Enmity". Enmity in the minds and hearts of humanity has constantly led to global catastrophe. Enmity between Nations, Governments, Race, Languages, Gender and even Churches and its denominations have disrupted and segregated humanity. People do exist who use such means to fuel up Enmity and disrupt peace. Whereas Cross of Christ obliterates Enmity. Jesus, by destroying enmity have brought peace among us. 

Fourth, "Cross Signals Transformation". Transform is to have a complete change over. Transformation is an Upside-Down Experience. Peace in the context of Violence. Reconciliation in the context of Hatred. Forgiveness in the context of Punishment. Life in the context of Death. Cross of Christ signals such metamorphosis in the lives of those who come near it.

Finally, "Cross Sanctifies Creation". Humans have made God's Entire Creation to lose its inherent value of interdependence and equality. Humanity have been caught up in an Unjust mindset of "Owning & Ruling Creation" according to their wills and wishes. But when an earthquake occurs, a Tsunami rises, a famine and drought smiles, and a global pandemic hits us - it is then we could understand how insignificant and fragile we are. Yet we continue to inflict the same injustice of owning God's creation. But Cross sanctifies our hearts and teaches us the scales of justice: interdependence and equality is the order of creation and if we need to survive along with God's Creation, we need to start following it and Cross sanctifies and shows us the way.

Let Cross, amidst of its varied symbolic expressions, be seen as a Symbol against Injustices. Amen.


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