Grace of God - Sufficient For Us

One of the important days celebrated in the month of February is the 11th of February. It is celebrated as "World Day of the Sick". There are two stories connected to the commemoration of this day.

First is that, February 11 is the Catholic Feast of Our Lady of the Lourdes. On February 11, 1858, Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a 14 year old peasant girl in Lourdes (a city in south west France) named "Marie Bernade Soubirous (St. Bernadette)". Between February 11 and July 16 in 1858, Virgin Mary appeared 18 times to St. Bernadette in the hollow of the rock at Lourdes. On March 25, 1858: Mary told little Bernadette “I am the Immaculate Conception” & “Penance, Penance, Penance and Pray for Sinners”. Since then St. Bernadette devoted to lead a Holy Life and constantly praying for Sinners. Every since then it is said to be a place where many believers who prayed were cured of their sickness. Until then, Lourdes was famous for "Chateau Fort De Lourdes" but after 1858, it became prominent because of Mairan Apparitions and till today it has been a important pilgrim site and a place of Healing.

Second is that, February 11 is celebrated as "World Day of the Sick" . This was initiated by Pope John Paul II who encouraged believers to pray for the Sick & their Caregivers. In 1991, Pope was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease and it was impetus for his designation of this day. On May 13, 1992, Pope encouraged the faithful to intercede and hence chose the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes for the date of Observance since many have been healed at Marian Sanctuary through intercession to Blessed Mary. This day was first observed on February 11, 1993. Ever since then, Catholic Faith Organization celebrate this day by providing the Sick with food, medicines and spiritual guidance.

With these two incidents standing as background, let us meditate on 2 Corinthians 12.1-10 where God says "My Grace is Sufficient for You". For a Pandemic Driven World which is in need of healing, the first day of the month of February calls for us to meditate on God's Grace and Intercede to the Sick.

Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12.1-10 speaks about his Visions & Revelations and shares where his Boasting lies. Paul begins by saying that 14 years ago he had an ecstatic experience. But he will not boast of that though it was rightful to boast. But Paul says that He Boasts Only About His Weaknesses. There was a thorn given n his flesh (a messenger of satan) to torment and keep him from being elated. When Paul interceded to God, the reply was: My Grace is sufficient for you.

Even today, this words are words of hope to the suffering world. Let us see three things which Paul says that God's Grace will give us:

1. Grace Calls Us To Boast

2 Corinthians 12.9: I Will Boast All The More Gladly Of My Weaknesses

For Paul, God's Grace make him to boast. But this boasting is not about his own self, but about his weaknesses. In this world, People are so comfortable in boasting about themselves, but never their weaknesses. For Paul, Boasting weaknesses is what God's Grace makes me to do. When i boast about myself, i do it with EGO, thereby i edge God out and make God's Grace nullified. But when i have experienced the Grace of God, i can truly boast of one thing: My Weaknesses.

2. Grace Calls Us To Experience Power

2 Corinthians 12.9: The Power Of Christ May Dwell In Me

For Paul, Grace of God gives us the Power of Christ. What does the Power of Christ do to us? Firstly, it helps us to Accept the Cross/Weakness. Many times we fail to accept that we are weak, fragile and broken, but Christ's Power makes us to accept that first. Secondly, it gives us the Hope that this Suffering will end. Pain and Sufferings are like passing clouds that will eventually end and we shall see and experience the ray of hope, but for that we just need to wait patiently. Thirdly, Power of Christ affirms Life and never destroys it. Paul through his life experiences witnesses that Power of Christ rests in him.

3. Grace Calls Us To Rejoice

2 Corinthians 12.10: I Will Rejoice Of The Weaknesses, Insults, Hardships, Persecutions, And Calamities For The Sake Of Christ.

For Paul, Grace of God gives us the perfect reason to be Happy and Delighted. This delight comes in the midst of our weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. Paul here takes the words of Christ in Matthew 5. 11-12 and makes it his own. Christ says "Rejoice and Be Glad" and Paul says that he is rejoicing because of such hardships because it is all for the sake of Christ. There is no need to feel angry or to feel rejected in the face of weaknesses because we have got the Grace of God which will makes us to come out in flying colors.

Even today, as we enter into a new month, as we continue to live and survive in the midst of this pandemic, God's word comes to us saying "My Grace is Sufficient for You". Let us continue to pray for the sick and may we always share God's Agape, Amen

